Julie & Daniel: ''We both knew we wanted to spend the rest of our lives together''

The majority of 2011 was a difficult year for both Julie and me. We each went through heartbreaks and disappointments, but when we finally put our full hearted trust in God, God blessed us by bringing our lives together.

We met on Christian Mingle on September of last year. After exchanging a few emails, we moved on to phone calls and video chats. People always say that when you find the one, you’ll just know. This is exactly what happened to us! Our conversations just continuously reinforced that we were destined for one another. And even though we lived in different states, praying together has truly allowed us to close the physical distance between us.

The majority of 2011 was a difficult year for both Julie and me. We each went through heartbreaks and disappointments

When we finally met for the first time during Thanksgiving at her parents’ home in North Carolina the feeling that we had of being soul mates was solidified. We then met again on Christmas. At that point we both knew we wanted to spend the rest of our lives together. I gave her a Bible for a present, which included a proposal, in the form of a poem I had written. When she said yes to my proposal I was absolutely ecstatic!

We are planning on getting married on June of this year in Jacksonville Beach- a perfect sunrise wedding on the sand for just the two of us.

Neither one of us could have imagined that we would be able to find someone who would be so perfect for each other. Thanks to Christian Mingle for bringing us together, and praise to the Lord for His many blessings! We love you God!

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