Weslea & Michael: ''God is in this, and we are so happy!''

Michael and I met on May 16, 2013, when he sent me a message. We emailed daily for a week before he called me, and we talked on the phone for two hours. This continued for a month; each call lasting for at least two hours, before he drove six hours to Hershey, Pennsylvania to meet me on June 15th.

Because we lived six hours apart, it was hard to see each other, but we committed to meeting every other weekend. Michael moved to Manassas this past January, and proposed on March 2, 2014. Our wedding is planned for August 10, 2014, in my hometown of Lancaster. I’ll be moving to Manassas after the wedding.

Michael and I met on May 16

August is significant to us because the weekend of our wedding is one year from Michael meeting my family, and both sets of our parents were married in August with years ending in a “4.” His parents will be celebrating their 40th wedding anniversary, and my parents will be celebrating their 30th wedding anniversary. We’ve had great examples of successful marriages that we desire to emulate.

Had we not used Christian Mingle, there’s no way that we would have met. Both of us had set our distance requirements for much closer than six hours away, but somehow we found each other. God is in this, and we are so happy!

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