In 2011, after experiencing much heartache from past relationships, Tarra and I were both praying for a God-fearing spouse. Coincidentally, our mothers both told us that we should try Christian Mingle. I had never joined an online dating site before, so I was skeptical but decided to join regardless.
In late October, we came across each other’s profiles and liked what we saw. After sending a few messages and chatting back and forth, we exchanged our phone numbers. After talking for about two weeks, we decided to meet in person.
On our first date we went out to dinner at a seafood restaurant and then went to see a movie. When the movie ended, we sat in the parking lot and talked for hours! We were having so much fun that we did not want to leave each other’s side. We knew that we definitely wanted to see each other again and kept praying that if it was God’s will we would fall in love.
I was working out of town during the week days and had also just released a new gospel rap album, so I was touring around the state, but we would still try to spend as much time as we could together. It became more evident as time went on that we were soul mates and that we were meant to spend the rest of our lives together.
On her birthday, I surprised her with a remix I wrote and recorded for her and then proposed! To my utter happiness she said “Yes!” We are planning on getting married by the end of 2012 and cannot wait for what the future holds in store for us.
We both praise God for answering our prayers and we also want to give thanks to Christian Mingle for helping us find each other! We both never imagined that we would be blessed with such a perfect match! We are a living testimony of how the Lord can use the internet to help you find your soul mate!
Did you find love online? Inspire other Christian singles by sharing your story of how you met your soulmate on Christian Mingle. Or join us today to start the search for the one your soul loves!