How did you meet? What was your first date like? Give us all the details!
In November 2015, Ollie answered a “Question of the Week” on Christian Mingle which asked what they thought of dating someone with tattoos. Being someone who has quite a few, I saw his reply which was “Wouldn’t bother me.” I clicked on his profile and loved everything I saw on his “About me:” A musician (which I am too), a traveler (me too), and of course, a man of God. Come to find out, this perfect guy was 4,500 miles away in Manchester, United Kingdom. So, I didn’t bother messaging him. However, he saw that I’d looked at his profile and messaged me. Well, long story short, we hit it off immediately.
We talked and Skyped nonstop; we were all each other thought about from when we woke up to when we fell asleep! We quickly and easily fell in love. This man was everything I prayed for and more. In January 2016, I flew from Florida to England to meet him in person. It was like a movie. I ran to him, and finally was able to just hug and hold hands with this man. I took another trip to see him in February and he came to America for the first time ever, to meet my family, in March 2016. That week we took a road trip, and we were engaged on top of a mountain in Asheville, North Carolina. I came back to England in April for a month to help plan our wedding for late May.
In May 2016, we got married (quick, but I knew he was it from the moment I met him). We just had our marriage blessing in the UK in July 2016, so all his family and friends could be there. We are currently in the long, strenuous process of me filing for a visa to live in England with him. God has brought us through so much together, and helped us to grow with each other through Him. Although our marriage is unlike others, I wouldn’t have it any other way and would go through it all again. We will continue to make the back-and-forth trips from the UK to Florida until we can put in for the visa.
Describe the moment you knew it was true love!
We clicked immediately through music, both being involved in bands at church and our bands outside church. We then came to find out we were doing the exact same thing that weekend, from 4,500 miles apart from each other! We both had gigs that Friday night, band practice, and playing at church on Sunday!
We haven’t stopped talking since day one. I couldn’t wait to meet the man of my dreams in person. Just two weeks later, I bought my ticket to go meet him in England all the way from Florida!
What advice would you give other Christian Mingle members?
God is first. Never give up in praying for your soulmate. Once you do meet them, God will give you so much more than you could have ever prayed for. Remember that God is first, and relying on Him is the best thing anyone could do. Distance is nothing to God, and we are proof of that!
Did you find love online? Inspire other Christian singles by sharing your story of how you met your soulmate on Christian Mingle.