Lisa & Mark: ''You bring people together who love the Lord Jesus Christ!''

This is the story of how my husband and I found each other…

I, known as “Inquisitive1” came upon your website late January of 2007. Mark, or “Wimgor,” as I believe he was known as, had been on Christian Mingle, previously, since December of 2006.

On Feb. 14, 2007, he popped up on my screen as a 100% match, so I opened up his profile. His photo immediately had my attention, so I read his introduction and profile. He was in northern Indiana, and I was in South Texas. It amazed me how narrow his parameters were and that we were still a 100% match! I sent him a smile, and he in turn sent me a message.

This is the story of how my husband and I found each other...

On Feb. 15th, we began to IM each other on your website, and by Feb. 19th, we were talking on the phone. We talked for at least 3 hours each day for several weeks, sharing what was most important to each of us, as well as praying for each other, singing together over the phone, and even crying together (as he was a recent widower). Then, on March 2nd, I had the opportunity to meet him face to face. We only had 4 hours together, but that was enough.

We were so comfortable with each other, as if we’d known each other for years. I realized several hours later, while we talked again on the phone, that I had fallen in love with him. He came out to South Texas to visit me the first week of April, where he discovered his feelings for me were the same.

In early May, I went back to Indiana for a week, where I met his family, and he proposed to me in their presence! He visited me once more in Texas in June, but by then we knew that his next trip would be to move me up to Indiana in July to be married at the end of the month.

We will be celebrating our 2nd wedding anniversary July 29th, and our relationship now is better than it was back then. I was always petrified to go on any dating websites, but when yours appeared in my emails, I had a peace about venturing onto your site. Now I know why. Thank you for being there for busy professionals, who have no time to wait for “Mr. Right” to happen along.

May the Lord bless your continued ministry (and I believe it is definitely a ministry) as you bring people together who love the Lord Jesus Christ!


Wimgor & Inquisitive1

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