It was only God! My membership was about to expire, and he never had one, but logged in on the last day of a promotion where he had full access and the rest is…His Story, God’s story that is….
I met David through Christian Mingle when I was about to give up hope and he just so happened to check his Christian Mingle account just to see what friendships he could find after not touching his account for several months.
It was March 5th when I got an email on my Christian Mingle (CM) account and I was discouraged at this point because I thought I had a start on a good friendship with another Christian Mingle member, but God had other plans. Anyway, I had decided I wasn’t going to renew and it was 1 or 2 days before my full membership was to expire, when I got an email from David. I read over the little bit of info he had on his account and he sent me an email saying he would like to get to know me more, but he wasn’t a member, so he provided his email address.
Being new myself to the CM site, I was wondering how he got to send me an email if he wasn’t a member, but that was before I knew CM offer special promotions where you have full access free for a few days up to a week. Well after pondering the thought of emailing this perfect stranger because I didn’t have much to go by from his profile and he only had 1 picture posted, I said, “What the heck!” I figure there is no harm in acknowledging that I got his email and I could always change email addresses if things didn’t turn out, right. LOL!
So I emailed him and we stayed in touch, then after a few weeks we eventually exchanged numbers. Then it took him another week after he had my number to call me because I wasn’t going to call him first, no way…LOL!
Well, I met him for the first time on May 23rd, which was originally set up as a business meeting. Because his vision and my vision were a perfect match, he wanted to start a business online and needed a website and I was just starting my website business online because I build websites.
Before I get to May, I have to talk about April. Keep in mind we had only been in contact since March 5th. During my morning prayer in April I heard the Holy Spirit tell my spirit as clear as day, “Husband.” I was in shock at first and then there was a peace and I said, “ok, Lord, all in your timing.” I thought I had a year or so, hahaha, joke on me. That evening David proposed to me over the phone. He says, “We are not going to talk about this marriage thing in 3rd party anymore or in future tense, you are my wife and I’m coming to claim what God has for me!”
WOW! say that again, ok, WOW! I was drawn to his authority, God driven life, and zeal to hear and do what thus saith the Lord, no if, ands, or buts about it. But when he said that to me my spirit lined up instantly and I said, “you are right!”
Now, back to the business meeting on May 23rd, that turned into meeting my other half, the Lord got jokes…LOL! David was flying from NJ into Cincinnati, OH with his mind made up that he was moving to OH to be with his wife, Me! Wow! I will let him tell you his side of the story, but God had been preparing him to move several months before we met on Christian Mingle, he was just waiting on God to tell him when and where. Praise God!
On May 23rd I met David in person for the first time, but we both felt like we have known each other for years, no lie, so weird, but the truth! Then on May 27th we got married. Since the proposal on April 16th, we had set a wedding date for Oct. 23rd of this year, but once again God had other plans. When I first saw him, the Holy Spirit said “the time is now, get married” and then David officially proposed to me that same day at dinner, he took out “the box” CHEEZ! and said to me, ” I know God created you for me, will you marry me?” I said “YES! ” and he put the most gorgeous ring on my finger. Then he said “We need to go get our marriage license and get married.” So we did 4 days after we first saw each other…we exchanged vows. Glory be to God!
David, then moved to OH officially on May 29th. And we are still planning our wedding celebration for Oct. 23rd where we will write our own vows and exchange at the reception for family and friends.
Praise God! Who did it? God did it! David had a job a week after he moved to OH. He stared working June 8th, Glory be to God! He got a full pay period and a half of pay from his job in Jersey, so there was no gap in his pay, God just flowed everything together. God is the God of order and I love the Lord with all my heart, my soul and my mind.
Thank you Jesus!
With Praying hands,
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