Cassie & Nathan: "We had chemistry from the very first minute!"

How did you meet? What was your first date like? Give us all the details!
Cassie and Nathan 2We met online through Christian Mingle. We emailed each other back and forth. He was so witty and fun, I was enchanted right away! We Skyped a few times, then met for the first time for a date of Vietnamese food and the Omaha Zoo. It was the best-worst first date!

The restaurant was in the heart of downtown, and the farmers market had blocked off most of the streets. Both of us had to walk quite a long way to the place in the rain. I got to the restaurant a few minutes late looking like a drowned rat and waited 45 minutes for him to show up. He had gotten turned around. Once we were together, though, it was great! We had chemistry from the very first minute.

After lunch, we trekked to find his car; in his nervous state, he forgot where it was, but we wandered around downtown. We found the car after about half an hour and went to the zoo, which was about to close for the day. We saw all of five animal exhibits before it closed, then spent the rest of the night talking in a frozen yogurt shop. The time seemed to pass in a blink of an eye! From the get-go, we both were upfront with wanting someone who truly loved the Lord and didn’t just go to church. We also cherish our health and found that we are two peas in a pod when it comes to lifestyle! Having someone with the same values and similar aspirations that loves the Lord is more than I could have ever hoped for.

Describe the moment you knew it was true love!Cassie and Nathan 1
Nate had an accident a month after we were engaged. I knew I loved him, and God put it in my heart to trust Nate with my heart. Nate’s accident put him through immense pain, and his family and I were uncertain if he would pull through. I knew in my heart that he was the only person for me. When he woke up out of his coma after his final surgery from a traumatic brain injury, we locked eyes. He looked totally different. They had him on a feeding tube, his hair was shaved, they had done reconstruction on his head and he had lost a ton of weight. None of it mattered. He was the same Nate to me and God had brought him back. I knew that we were going to be okay, and we both feel that God was honoring our love by keeping us together.

What advice would you give other ChristianMingle members?Cassie and Nathan 4
Anything can happen. Put yourself out there and be totally honest. Act with integrity. Treat each other with love and respect as sisters and brothers in Christ. Pray to God often and stay grounded in Him as you seek a partner!

Did you find love online? Inspire other Christian singles by sharing your story of how you met your soulmate on Christian Mingle.