Alyssa & Matt: ''We both saw how God had worked a miracle by bringing us together''

My fiancé and I first met on Christian Mingle. I sent the first smile, and since then we’ve been celebrating “Smile Day” every month! We emailed each other for about a week before we started talking on the phone.

Since we had both been married before and had kids from our previous marriage, we spoke openly and honestly. No topic was off limits. We spoke for weeks before meeting face to face-we even used Christian Mingle’s Compass Matching Test to cover a number of topics we would have not thought about otherwise! I still remember how nervous I was during our first date. After all, this was my first date in 18 years! We had such a great time that we ended up meeting every day the following week!

As each day passed

As each day passed, it became more and more clear to each of us that our meeting was no accident. We both saw how God had worked a miracle by bringing us together.

We often talked about marriage and what it would mean for our families, especially our children. Given how we shared the same values and a similar outlook on life, we knew that the next step would be to become husband and wife. Exactly four months after I sent Alyssa the first smile, I asked her to marry me! Thankfully, she said yes!

We wanted to thank Christian Mingle for allowing us to find each other. Both of our families are so excited and we cannot wait to see what God has in store for us!

Did you find love online? Inspire other Christian singles by sharing your story of how you met your soulmate on Christian Mingle. Or join us today to start the search for the one your soul loves!