''I honestly believe if it were not for Christian Mingle, I would never have found her.''

I want to thank you for having this Christian dating site available for my use. Because of your faithfulness to the Lord and obedience, I have met the woman of my dreams.

I am a pastor of a homeless mission in Florida. I went through the worst and the best year of my life in 2003. My spouse left me and filed for divorce this past year, leaving me with four children to raise and a ministry to care for. I thought my life was over. Being a pastor, I just didn’t feel right asking people on a date or doing the traditional dating game, yet I knew that God did not want me to go through life without my soulmate. So, I found your site, and thought that it would be a good way to meet some other Christians with similar values, desires and morals. I was right and one week later, I found my soulmate.

It was so amazing to find her in such an unusual way and even more is the unusual place she was. My soulmate was in Indonesia and I was in Florida. I want you to know that we were married on December 3, 2003 and I honestly believe if it were not for Christian Mingle, I would never have found her. We were worlds apart and had never met before. It is only through the hand of God that we both found each other, and I want you to know how thankful we both are that God used your Christian dating service as an avenue to make the impossible, possible. Thank you Lord and thank you Christian Mingle for the blessing my Vera is to me.

This is our wedding picture, we made the Indonesia’s wedding ceremony, Indonesia’s wedding dress, and the wedding was so….Asia.

One more time, I am thankful for Christian Mingle and for what the Lord has done for me and Vera.