Caleb had been on Christian Mingle for a few years and was really serious about finding a nice girl to be in a relationship with. I had gotten to the point in my life where I had pretty much given up on being in a relationship at all. So just for the heck of it, one day I joined as well. I told myself it was just to see how it is, but that I would never pay for a subscription; I was just “looking.”
I had been online for about a week when I completely joined and paid the fee. I was really having a lot of fun chatting with people and just being myself. It was so much more fun that I thought it would be. I had not had much success in the few weeks I had been online. Then on New Year’s Eve 2014, I got a “smile” from Caleb. I had seen his profile before and had kind of pushed it aside because we were different denominations; however, I decided to smile back.
We began small conversations back and forth on the website and then decided to talk on Facebook, as it was a little easier. (I was really skeptical about giving out my phone number.) Our conversations picked up and he asked me for my phone number after about a week or so and we began talking on the phone. He then proceeded to ask me out for January 16, 2015.
After a few bumps in the road earlier that day, we finally got to our date that night. We decided to have dinner and go bowling and we thought we would never have so much to talk about, but our conversations never went dull. After bowling, we decided we didn’t want to go home so we went for ice cream and continued to get to know each other. After that, it was getting so late but neither of us wanted to end our date, so we decided (against my initial judgment) to go back to his apartment and watch a movie. This is when he decided to lay the moves on me and kissed me. He thought the whole date had been ruined with that one kiss, but in reality, it made the night that much more perfect.
He asked me out again for that following Monday night and I said yes. He asked me to be his girlfriend that night and we have been together ever since. My birthday was on August 11 so he decided to take me to the beach a few weekends before that to celebrate. After many, many bumps in the road that day, we finally got to take a walk on the beach that evening as the sun was going down and he got down on one knee right then and proposed!! I could not have been any happier than I was right at that moment.
We wanted to have a winter wedding so we decided to plan our wedding for January 23, 2016, just four days after our one-year anniversary. We are very excited for our new lives together and we truly owe it all to Christian Mingle (considering we lived about 30 minutes apart from each other and even had mutual friends). So thank you, Christian Mingle, for the wonderful relationship that you helped start and thanks be to our Lord who is continuing to keep us together through everything we may go through!
Did you find love online? Inspire other Christian singles by sharing your story of how you met your soulmate on Christian Mingle. Or join us today to start the search for the one your soul loves!