Natalie & Phil: "Together, we are taking this journey to serve God."

Phil’s Story:

I have the most amazing story ever! I had been praying that God would pick my wife for me this time. I knew I needed to be patient as some days were harder than others, but I had faith in God for he is all good and knowing. I got on Christian Mingle for a free trial; I had never tried any internet dating, so this was a first. I messaged different people for months, but I did not have much interest for anyone and I did not go out on a date with anyone. I was going to quit when my trial period was over, but the Christian Mingle membership was extended to a year so I continued to use the site. I still had no interest in anyone and just as I was considering quitting again, I came across the most amazing woman ever that had a heart for God and a lot of the same interests as I did. So I sent her a smile. She replied back to me and it has been the most wonderful journey ever.

Our first date was going to church which was so amazing because I can’t think of a better date than to include God. She drove over two hours to come to church with me. She is not one to be adventurous to drive to a new area, so this was even more special. After church, we went out to eat where there was a great questioning session, but one question really stood out: “What is my Godly purpose in life?”

I did not have an answer for this question and still do not as of yet. It was an outstanding question. Together, we are taking this journey to serve God and find our Godly purpose. I have married the most wonderful woman in the world. We did this in a very short time frame without any reservations. God is so great to bring us together as He knows our every need to bless us so abundantly!

Natalie’s Story:

I had been divorced for about seven years and prayed for God’s will in my life. Although I did not specifically pray for a husband, the Holy Spirit knew what I most desired, even if it was unspoken. On February 24, 2015, I had a very solid and profound thought in my head: “Get your wedding dress ready.” I did not know if it was God or me, but I suspected it was not me because the thought was so clear, concrete and solid … and it was not anything I would normally think to myself. For some reason, I had an incredible drive to find a husband even though I was not sure if that was God’s plan for me. Eventually, I got on Christian Mingle. This time around, I knew exactly what I wanted in a Christian husband. Previously, I knew that I wanted a man with a heart for God, but the rest was a mystery to me and I had had several failed relationships. I knew when I found “the one” that I would have a feeling of peace, safety and security. When I sometimes prayed to God on my way to work, I would often think that if I was blessed enough to find a husband, our marriage would be one that sought to do something good and purposeful for God.

I messaged and spoke to many men, and many of those men did not message or call me back after they found out all that I was looking for. The list was daunting … and much of it was based on what the Bible states makes a good Christian husband. I knew that I had been extraordinarily blessed already; I had my faith in God and salvation through Christ, two beautiful grown daughters, amazing parents, a loving family, great friends, financial security and a measure of health. I was incredibly grateful for all of these things, so to find a husband would be more than a blessing to me, it would be something that I did not deserve: an extraordinary gift from God given to me to help me complete the good work which He had begun in me.

Wow! God does not disappoint! Not only that, God has far exceeded all of my expectations (even though I started to think I might not find anyone). Phil is the finest man I know. He is a spiritual leader for me and our family; he reads the Bible to me and prays with me. He is also humble and reflects his Christianity not only through his words but his actions. He is a good father to his children, a hard worker and an excellent provider. He is kind, caring, affectionate, optimistic and wise. He protects me and looks out for my safety always. Phil loves me, cherishes me and adores me; he is able to put God first, then he puts me before himself. He makes me feel safe and secure and is calm and reassuring when I am flustered or upset. He is the only man I trust to lead me and share everything in my life with. I respect him in all ways. Sometimes I feel overwhelmed with all that I have been blessed with. I really am getting the fairy tale after all and I cannot believe it was me that was chosen for such an amazing man by our awesome God.

On Saturday, August 8, 2015, Phil asked me to meet him at church via Christian Mingle. We had never even spoken on the phone! The date was for the next day, Sunday, August 9th. I already had a firm date the night of August 8th with someone else. I cannot explain it, but I felt so strongly compelled to cancel this date, so that is exactly what I did. I believe it was the Holy Spirit guiding me. Even though I had never heard Phil’s voice, I thought to myself, a man that asks me to church on a first date was the kind of man I was looking for – the best kind of man. And looking back, I am amazed that God so quickly cleared all the other men out of my life (including exes and other interested parties) to make a clear path for Phil to be the only man in my life.

It has been a whirlwind since then! Phil proposed to me October 11, 2015 with the most wonderful and thoughtful proposal on a floating dock. We were married November 27, 2015, less than four months after Phil sent me that first smile. We both felt very blessed to have all six of our grown children be in the wedding ceremony. It is highly out of character for both of us to jump into something as important as marriage. We both tend to be very careful and thoughtful before making any big decisions, but this was just right and we both believe that this is God’s will for our lives.

We pray all the time, thankful for each other and all that we have been blessed with. We also pray that we will be aware of what God’s will is for us as a married couple. We seek to serve Him in some way that will make a difference to those in need. I am very excited about our future. When I look ahead, all I see is happiness between Phil and I and a Godly purposefulness in our marriage and lives. We are not sure what God will guide us to do, but we will be looking for His direction as we grow together in our Christianity.

Thank you, Christian Mingle, for enabling us to meet. We would have never met without this site. God is so amazingly good! He truly does grant you the desires of your heart if you delight in Him first.

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