Mary & Chandler: ''Through Christian Mingle and trusting in God, we have found each other.

We had both tried other dating websites, but after no real success, we each decided to give Christian Mingle a try. We exchanged messages through the site and eventually started sharing text messages to get to know more about each other. We decided after only about 10 days that we wanted to meet face-to-face.

From then on, our relationship grew and we had a sense of God’s hand and timing in bringing us together. We had both been praying to meet that special person God had for us. Through Christian Mingle and trusting in God, we have found each other.

We had both tried other dating websites

We are getting married in March 2015 and are looking forward to God’s plans for our lives together. As people ask us how we met, we continue to share our story of meeting on Christian Mingle and we are truly blessed that we took this leap of faith.

Did you find love online? Inspire other Christian singles by sharing your story of how you met your soulmate on Christian Mingle. Or join us today to start the search for the one your soul loves!