My children suggested that I join Christian Mingle. I was currently seeing a Psychologist and he said it was good idea. Martha and I began communicating around the first of February. I received a message from her first, inquiring about my faith, my wife’s passing away, and my lifestyle. I went to Florida on a business and pleasure trip, and began communicating with her after I came back, around third week in February, just before my wife’s one year anniversary of passing away to be with The Lord.
Martha is a unique person; very strong in her faith, attractive, and she lives a physically fit lifestyle. She uses a Biblical Counseling Ministry to help anyone who needs it, free of cost.
As we continued corresponding, it was obvious we needed to meet. We had many things in common. Our spouses were ill most of their lives, and we both were caregivers until they went to be with The Lord.
The first time I saw her, I remember saying to myself, “This could work.” We soon realized that we were becoming best friends. I was concerned that because we were so much alike, it would not work out. I always thought that “opposites” made better matches. However, I quickly realized that being so much alike was a benefit because we could understand where the other person was coming from.
Martha just happened to have a book from her ministry called, “Before the Ring.” This book gave us a fast track of questions to learn more about each other, in a short period of time. It also gave us a firm foundation for a lasting friendship and relationship.
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