Jennifer & Richard: "The Lord had a husband designed for her."

Richard was a widower with four boys who had lost his wife of 21 years to cancer. He thought that was it for him and he was praying to just be a Godly father. Jennifer was a woman who had gone through two divorces, but was not ready to give up on love. 

While at church one Sunday, Richard heard the pastor ask, “How many people had found their mate online?” His purpose was to illustrate how much technology was a part of our lives. Richard realized he desired fellowship, but it had to be someone who loved God and would also love him and his children. With the thought of going online, Richard tried another site that promised to deliver a soulmate, finally posting on Christian Mingle.

Jennifer had raised two sons and a daughter, and was an empty nester. She was still very much convinced that the Lord had a husband designed for her. Jennifer told all her friends and family that she was “someone’s wife not someone’s girlfriend.” That meant the dating game that others were playing was not for her, so she posted on Christian Mingle.

From the first “smile” Richard sent her, they became friends. They both lived out their commitment to the Lord and their families. Conversation after conversation, they grew closer. Both wanted to do things God’s way and He rewarded them with a love for each other. It naturally led to a fantastic marriage beyond anything they could dream of. They recently celebrated their first wedding anniversary and look forward to a wonderful life together. Thank you, Christian Mingle!  

Did you find love online? Inspire other Christian singles by sharing your story of how you met your soulmate on Christian Mingle. Or join us today to start the search for the one your soul loves!