10 Beautiful Benefits of God's Grace

Anyone who has ever been pulled over for a traffic violation knows the feeling: There you sit, with those blinding blue and red flashing lights announcing to passersby that you are getting a ticket. You begin to squirm in the driver’s seat as you rifle through your wallet or glove box for an up-to-date insurance card and license. Just as you feel yourself slipping into a full-fledged panic attack, something unexpected happens — the officer lets you off with a warning. This is human grace (and a whole lot of mercy) in its most practical form. But what about His mercy? Are the benefits of God’s grace the same as the more earthly ones?

What Do Christians Mean By ‘Grace’?

When it comes to applying grace in regards to the Christian faith, the dictionary describes “grace” as:

“The free and unmerited favor of God, as manifested in the salvation of sinners and the bestowal of blessings.”

In this dictionary definition, it’s clear that there are a couple of specific ways God’s grace benefits Christians:

  • It’s free, which means it costs us nothing.
  • It is unmerited, which means we neither deserve it nor earn it by our actions.

This kind of news is better than receiving mercy for running a red light, going too fast in a school zone, or for any other countless mistakes for which you know you deserve to pay the consequences. This unmerited grace comes with a package of great benefits. It is like finding the elusive pot of gold at the end of a rainbow and then enjoying the benefits throughout your entire lifetime.

Perhaps the most obvious benefit of grace is that it brings about spiritual salvation. Because of grace, we will live forever in the presence of God. It is not some magical genie in a bottle released for you to squander wishes on, though grace does also bestow additional blessings that we get to enjoy during our lifetime on earth as well. These blessings all point back to Christ for his glory, alone.

For the grace of God has appeared bringing salvation to all men. —Titus 2:11

Here are 10 benefits of God’s grace:

1. Our ability to forgive others is only possible because of grace. We forgive others as we have been forgiven. It’s Christ’s example of grace that shows us how to treat others. Why should we forgive others? Because it frees us up to enjoy happiness and peace.

2. Much like the therapeutic effects of forgiveness, grace paints a similar picture and makes for a more peaceful existence. When we love others and treat them the way we want to be treated, there is no room to harbor a grudge or other exhausting negative emotions. The end result is peace.

3. Grace brings about hope. In grace, we have the hope of everlasting life. We also have the confidence that God has plans for us that include a hope and a future..

4. Healing is possible through grace and was obtained through Christ’s willingness to take on a punishment that was meant for us.

5. Comfort for every sorrow comes from grace.

6. Grace allows and helps us to have love for those who are otherwise unlovable as we begin to look at circumstances and hurtful actions of others through the eyes of love.

7. Grace gives courage to the discouraged.

8. Grace makes our burdens light because Jesus took on all of our heaviness: Three times I pleaded with the Lord to take it away from me. But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. —II Corinthians 12:8-9

9. Grace makes painful sufferings endurable or even joyful.

10. Another form of the word, “Grace” is often used when we give thanks for a meal. Grace causes thanksgiving to overflow for the glory of God.

All this is for your benefit, so that the grace that is reaching more and more people may cause thanksgiving to overflow to the glory of God. —II Corinthians 4:15

Understanding God’s Grace

To be able to truly understand the benefits of God’s grace, you need to comprehend the true meaning of the Gospel of Jesus and accept Christ as your one and only Lord and Savior. Once you’ve made this commitment with the authenticity of your heart, you’ll be able to reap these unmerited rewards as a part of this divine relationship. Grace isn’t something a human being can just manifest or assume, as it is genuinely a free gift from God that is part of the ongoing sanctification process that all Christians endure throughout their lives. However, grace is a direct vessel for hope, love, compassion, forgiveness, and so much more.

Defining Divine Grace

When discussing the grace derived from the Holy Trinity, we’re not just contemplating God’s divinity or Jesus’ astounding works on Earth. We’re also discussing the Holy Spirit, which is within each and every Christian, constantly reminding us to emulate the vision Christ bestowed upon his followers when he traveled through the ancient world. The Holy Spirit is continuously empowering Believers through all of life’s celebrations and struggles, and oftentimes, it’s this inner communication with God that helps us understand grace even further.

While grace provides a supernatural tool to combat adversity and sin in addition to helping you reach stages of spiritual growth, it’s also clearly evident that the grace of God has the ability to transform lives in a way that no other entity could comprehend. The ones who understand God’s grace most clearly are those who spend every day in their personal walk with Him, continuously perfecting their relationship and realizing unbelievable blessings on a daily basis that can only have stemmed from one place.

Achieving Grace

To actually understand and achieve these signs of God’s presence, you must fully commit your heart and soul to the actions and teachings of Christ himself. One thing all Believers must commit to memory is that nothing they ever do can influence God’s grace — even sin or devotion. Once a person surrenders to His will, they actively accept they need God’s grace out of humility, and only then will they be able to see that God’s mercy is the visual representation of this grace on a daily basis. In essence, to receive grace, you must not only devote yourself unto Christ but also follow the teachings of the Gospel and live in honor of His glory at all times.

Why We Need Grace

Like all other relationships, Christians must communicate regularly with God to maintain a relationship with Him. These personal moments of prayer and confession present a time for reconciliation, and any time we’re putting God first when determining how to proceed in a particular circumstance, we are seeking his grace. If you’re beginning to think this occurs often, that’s because it does, which is precisely why grace is one of the quintessential pillars of Christianity.

Human Imperfection

The major reason we as Believers look to an ultimate authority is due to the imperfections of human beings themselves. Since the Garden of Eden, sin has been rampant in the world, making each person flawed by nature. Until the life and death of Jesus Christ, humans were unable to comprehend the reasons for their inevitable moral shortcomings.

However, after Christ’s resurrection, the weightiness of His teachings finally came to light, showing many how the Son of God would present Believers with a firm cornerstone to rely on. Only then did they begin to realize that trusting in Christ alone would help relieve them of the crushing burden of sin.

Divine Will

One of the most important realizations any Christian will have during their sanctification is that the benefits of God’s grace are eternal, ever-present, and suitable for anyone willing to proclaim Him as the Father. When you fully grasp the work of Christ and the impact it’s had on humanity over the last 2,000 years, you quickly begin to see that grace is a product of salvation itself.

When we give ourselves up to the will of this divine order, we are inherently called to act in accordance with the Bible and its practices. Subsequently, these texts should call us to participate in God’s will ourselves on Earth, actively helping to spread the message of the Gospel and passing these lessons on to future generations.

The Role of Faith in Our Actions

Even if you’re not well-versed in your Biblical material, you know that Christ’s followers are expected to act according to the same principles that the Son of God displayed during his time on Earth. When our actions represent “good faith,” it means that we are showcasing the same moral understanding and loving standard that Jesus did. The more we evoke Christ in our daily lives, the more of an impact we can make on those around us, resulting in more blessed and fruitful relationships all around us.

Why Faith-Based Actions Matter

Whether it’s our own trials and tribulations or the desire for relationships with others, striving to embody Christ in the real world can help reveal other Holy individuals and providential moments that influence your life for the better. By outwardly showing you’re able to act in obedience to God, others are able to witness your commitment to your faith and hopefully even become inspired by your demeanor to become a Christian themselves if they aren’t already.

Since we are justified in our faith through our belief in Christ, we receive unmerited, unconditional grace at the will of God the Father, as is stated in the world of the Bible. This divine, incomprehensible blessing is something all followers of Christ enjoy, although not at their own request. However, in order to consider yourself a Believer, you’ll first need to display the same qualities Christ exuded to provide genuine proof to your peers.

Living a Grace-Filled Life

While we all long for grace ourselves, it’s hard to contemplate the true benefits of God’s grace without having understood its meaning and shown grace to others yourself. You can practice these habits every day, offering console, compassion, forgiveness, mercy, and understanding to others whenever humanly possible. This small gesture can have profound impacts on those you interact with and can even translate into significant fruits that Christians bear, including joy, love, passion, and peace.

When you display these actions in your everyday life, not only will other Christians be able to reaffirm your faith and provide testimony to your walk with the Lord, but you are equally capable of inspiring others you interact with to emulate these same behaviors and qualities. Remember, the love that’s possible with faith in Christ knows no bounds, so extending these truths and spiritual blessings to others is a great service that extends His glory to all God’s people. When your beliefs and practices continuously show others your passion for Christ, your faith can become infectious, and this can extend from your personal ambitions to your relationships, including any eventual love interest.

Let’s Talk About God’s Grace Together

What are your thoughts about the benefits of God’s grace for a believer? How has the grace of Christ been at work in your life to offer all the benefits of peace, joy, lifted burdens, or an otherwise enriched lifestyle? Leave a comment, let us know on our Facebook page, or via Twitter.

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